Type Soul is a Roblox game that takes inspiration from the popular anime series Bleach. Originally, the game was launched during the release of Part 2 of the Thousand Year Blood War anime, making it a perfect choice for fans eagerly awaiting the latest Bleach content.
Later on, Type Soul underwent a significant update in preparation for its first anniversary. Previously, players would start the game by dropping into Karakura Town, the hometown of Bleach’s main character, Ichigo Kurosaki. In this version, your character would likely meet a quick demise, and you would then have the option to choose between playing as a Soul Reaper, Quincy, or Hollow.
However, in the revamped version of Type Soul, you now have the freedom to select your character type right from the beginning. Each playstyle offers its own set of unique abilities and progression, which will greatly influence your overall gaming experience. If you require assistance in developing your character, you can utilize Type Soul codes to aid you. These codes provide various bonuses such as Soul Tickets and Blue Pills, which can be used to reset your character’s build, as well as Weapon and Element Rerolls.
Table of Contents
What are Type Soul codes?
Soul codes provide players with complimentary items and bonuses within the game. Developers of Roblox often distribute codes to commemorate accomplishments or game milestones, so it is advisable to regularly check for new codes on this platform. It is important to note that these codes have a short lifespan, so swift action is necessary to fully benefit from them.
How do I redeem Type Soul codes?
Here is all the information you require regarding the redemption process for a Type Soul code.
- Begin by accessing the Soul Type
- Select the gift box icon located at the top-left corner of the screen
- Enter or paste a code provided from our list
- Hit the enter key to claim your rewards.
Is there a Type Soul Trello?
Indeed, there is! To gain a deeper understanding of the game and its intricacies, I recommend exploring the Type Soul Trello. This comprehensive resource provides valuable insights into various aspects such as skill trees, items, raids, and much more. By delving into this Trello, you can enhance your knowledge and mastery of the game. Additionally, if you’re seeking more exhilarating experiences involving samurais and ninjas, be sure to explore our curated selection of the finest samurai games and ninja games. Prepare yourself for an immersive journey filled with slashing and hacking!
How do I get more Type Soul codes?
It is recommended to regularly check back here to stay updated on the latest Type Soul codes, allowing us to handle it for you. Additionally, you can stay informed by joining the official Type Soul Discord for the most recent updates.
All Type Soul Codes List
- 7staredwardnewgate – free rerolls (new!)
- allaccordingtocake – free rerolls (new!)
- codethatsenkumadecuzhesmakingsomethingtakethisgiftbecauseitsjustasimpleupdate – free rerolls (new!)
- petgod101 – free rerolls (new!)
- skibidisigmastofighttheohiorizzler – free rerolls (new!)
- code1 – free rerolls (new!)
- setrohadtoguesswhatthiscodewasnamed – free rerolls (new!)
- tamaverified – free rerolls (new!)
- setroboominda – free rerolls
- senkuwascloudkageinjoedame – free rerolls
- hakudanerfafter1000years – free rerolls
- theresahiddennpcsomewhere – free rerolls
- cursedgearruinsfriendships – free rerolls
- cyberpoint – free rerolls
- brovisitedhisfriends – free rerolls
- davehashit10kwow – free rerolls
- Benihimebuff – free rewards
- nosreppbestaustraliandeveloperinthewholeworld – free rewards
- almightyeye – free rewards
- breathlesspumpkle – free rewards
- tsugokusenku – free rewards
- thekiraeventparttwo – free rewards
- thekiraevent – free rewards
- 5minutesoffame – free rewards
- nothinghappened – free rewards
- newfaceswow – free rewards
- 400kdiscmembers – free rewards
- 160mvisits – free rewards
- somethingrandom – free rewards
- canyouwrap – free rewards
- mobileflashpd – free rewards
- johnboomingg – free rewards
- icanimaginesomeonesayingimnexttoatree – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- phase1 – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- canyourecmeintodemonhunter – 100 rerolls
- myhopewillneverdie – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- johnbooming – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- gulliblelol – 100 rerolls
- robloxban – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- lightsegunda – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- 100mlikes – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- afkworld – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- robotcowoe – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- soulianstreak – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- pleasegivemererollscodesimliterallystarvingoverhereimstuck withacid – do not in
Expired Type Soul codes
- rankedmidseason
- tamaiscool
- doomatearoom
- newcodeoldbugged
- mainmenufixes
- tradehub
- newclanwargame
- championshipandmasteryboxes
- newclangamesoon
- shikaireroll
- happyhalloween
- fixedoldcode
- segundanextupdate
- 100kfavourites
- soonupdates
- championship
- middayfixes
- sorryforthat
- apologyforlate
- watermelon
How to get more Type Soul codes
New Type Soul codes are regularly released on the game’s Discord server. Make sure to keep an eye on the Announcements and Update Log channels.
If you wish to stay ahead and claim the codes first, consider joining the Discord server and enabling notifications. Alternatively, you can simply check back here whenever you start up the game to see if any new codes have been released.
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